Thursday, September 14, 2006

San Francisco from Pt. Isabelle

The first image, the camfone picture at the top is the best image of the three above. It is from the Pt Isabelle dogwalk, looking southwest from Richmond, over the bay to San Francisco: 6:23pm on the 12th of September.
The steps running down into the water, then the water, (is this High Tide?), then the very small city quickly bring distance to mind. The city looks so far away. I wonder who built the steps; they must've pointed the steps directly to downtown, to the high corner of the city.
The second and third images are attempts to get closer. With MSPaint and little success. But there is a flatness to the second that seems real.
Speaking of dog walks, we've had fresh news that Mlle. Coco is recovering nicely after her proceedure at the vet.


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